March city council meeting for the city of Richmond
Richmond City Council Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance (Roll Call) Jim- Emily- Mike -Pat-Chuck
2. Open Public Forum (Those interested in addressing Council whom did not previously request to be on the agenda may address Council for up to 3 minutes. If action is requested, it will be considered at a later Council Meeting.)
3. Approval of Agenda with any additions/deletion
4. Approval of the Meeting Minutes of February 2 and February 17
5. Approval of Bills Paid
6. Consent Agenda (approved by one motion) a. Resolution 2022-119: Approval of February 2022 Journal Entries b. Resolution 2022-120: Approval of February 2022 Donations c. Approval of Road Closure for Jerry’s on Central Ave between Main St. and Alleyway
7. City Engineer- Dave Blommel a. Water tower repairs b. Street Project Discussion i. Resolution 2022-121: Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids c. Street lights- RBP
8. Department Reports a. Police Department b. Arena/Parks c. PeopleService d. Public Works / Streets e. Fire Department f. Emergency Management
9. Council Reports a. EDA- Next Meeting: March 15, 2022 b. Planning Commission- no February meeting. Next Meeting: March 24, 2022 c. Rocori Trail- Next Meeting: March 3, 2022
10. Next Council Meeting: a. March 17, 2022
11. Adjournment