1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance (Roll Call) Jim- Tim -Pat-Chuck
2. Open Public Forum (Township short term rentals talk)
3. Approval of Agenda with any additions/deletion
4. Approval of the Meeting Minutes of January 4 and January 19, 2023
5. Approval of Bills Paid
6. Consent Agenda (approved by one motion)
a. Resolution 108-23: Approval of January 2023 Journal Entries
b. Resolution 109-23: Approving January 2023 Donations
c. Resolution 110-23: Authorization of Temporary 1 to 4 Day Liquor License for the River Lakes
Hockey Inc. on April 15, 2023 at the River Lakes Civic Arena (RLCA)
7. Resolution 111-23: Resignation of Councilor Emily Monnens effective today,
February 1, 2023
8. Engineer Report – Dave Blommel
9. Department Reports
a. Police Department
b. Fire Department
c. Emergency Management
d. Public Works / Streets
e. People Service
f. Administrator
10. Approval for closure of City Hall on March 22 & March 23, 2023 for MCFOA Clerks
Dave will go Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Stacy will go Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
11. Council Reports
a. EDA- Next Meeting: February 21
b. Planning Commission- Next Meeting: February 23
c. Rocori Trail- Next Meeting: February 2
12. Next Council Meeting: February 16, 2023 Workshop at 6:30 p.m.
13. Adjournment