1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance (Roll Call) Jim- Chuck-Mike-Pat-Tim
2. Open Public Forum (Those interested in addressing Council whom did not previously request to be on
the agenda may address Council for up to 3 minutes. If action is requested, it will be considered at a later
Council Meeting.)
3. Approval of Agenda with any additions/deletion
4. Approval of the Meeting Minutes of April 5, April 18, April 20, and April 25 2023
5. Approval of Bills Paid
6. Consent Agenda (approved by one motion)
a. Resolution 121-23: Approval of April 2023 Journal Entries
b. Resolution 122-23: Approval of 2023-2024 Liquor Licenses
c. Resolution 123-23: Approval of 2023-2024 Tobacco Licenses
d. Resolution 124-23: Authorization for Minnesota Lawful Gambling LG220 Exempt Permit
for Sts Peter and Paul Church on July 14 & 15, 2023
e. Resolution 125-23: Authorization for Minnesota Lawful Gambling LG220 Exempt Permit
for Sts Peter and Paul Church on August 27, 2023
7. Resolution 126-23: 2023-24 Liquor License for J & S Lanes (Roll Call)
8. SEH – Dave Blommel Update
a. Street Project
i Resolution 127-23: Accepting Bid
b. Interim Financing
c. Rural Water
d. Hud
9. Department Reports
a. Police Department
b. Fire Department
c. Emergency Mngt
d. Public Works/Streets
e. People Service
10. Council Reports
a. EDA- No April Next Meeting: Meeting. May 16, 2023
b. Planning Commission- No April Meeting: Next Meeting: May 25, 2023
c. Rocori Trail- Next Meeting: May 4, 2023
11. Next Council Meeting: May 18, 2023 Workshop at 6:30 p.m.
12. Adjournment