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04-25-22 ROCORI School Board Meeting

04-25-22 Board Meeting Agenda:

  1. CALL TO ORDER Bohnsack, Habben, Hesse, Hentges, Schurman, and Wesenberg.

  2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The School Board Chair will lead the school board and attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.

  3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Board action to approve the agenda for the meeting is expected.

  4. CONSENT ITEMS Action is requested on the following items of the consent agenda. Consent agenda items are typically adopted without discussion of the individual items because they are routine or ordinary in action. Any consent agenda item may be removed for further discussion and deliberation by any member of the board.

    1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the Regular and Closed Board Meeting held on April 11, 2022, and Special Board Meeting held on April 18, 2022. Recommend approval of the minutes from the meetings.

    2. APPROVAL OF BILLS Treasurer Hentges will have been at the school site to review bills, ask questions, and confirm information prior to the meeting. Recommendation is to approve the bill payment of $4,598,970.12 subject to any adjustments or direction offered by the Treasurer.

    3. TREASURER REPORT Treasurer Hentges will have reviewed financial information for the board. This information is included in the Treasurer's Report.

    4. EMPLOYMENT Recommend approval of the assignment as outlined.

      1. ROCORI Secondary-Physical Education teacher: Karissa Welle for the 2022-2023 school year.

      2. ROCORI Secondary-Secondary Assistant Principal: Stephanie Ruegemer effective 2022-2023 school year

  1. RETIREMENTS-RESIGNATIONS Recommend approval of the following resignations and/or retirements.

    1. Retirement-ROCORI Secondary-Physical Education teacher: Lisa Swan-Anderson effective June 3, 2022

    2. Resignation-Cold Spring Elementary Principal: Eric Skanson effective June 30, 2022.

    3. Resignation-John Clark Elementary-Administrative Assistant: Tracey Neugart effective May 4, 2022

  1. MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE REQUEST Recommendation: Approve the medical leave of absence request as requested.

    1. ROCORI Middle School-6th Grade Science teacher: Kris Illies requesting leave from May 10th through approximately May 25th, 2022. An anticipated return date of May 26, 2022.

    2. ROCORI Secondary-Social Studies teacher: Darcie Erie requesting medical leave from August 29, 2022 through November 29, 2022.

  1. UNPAID CHILDCARE LEAVE REQUEST Recommendation: Approve the Unpaid Childcare Leave request as presented

    1. ROCORI Secondary-Social Studies teacher: Darcie Erie is requesting unpaid childcare leave from November 30, 2022 through January 22, 2023. An anticipated return date of January 23, 2023.

  1. ROCORI Community Education Hourly Rates June 1, 2022 Recommendation: Approve the Community Education Hourly Rates as presented.

  2. SUMMER WORKER HIRES 2022 Recommendation: Approve the Summer hires as presented.

  3. FACILITIES AND GROUNDS EQUIPMENT AND REDUCTION REQUEST Brent Neisinger has deemed the Kitchen Mixer obsolete and will be sold by public auction via K Bid. Recommendation: Approve the designation of obsolete equipment.

  4. APPRAISAL The school board has discussed pursuing an appraisal for the Fuchs Farms LLC Property. Recommendation: Retain the appraiser to do an appraisal of the Fuchs Farms LLC Property, and authorizing staff and legal counsel to work with the appraiser.

  1. ACTION ITEMS Action items receive individual attention because of the nature of the issues, the need to discuss or review the information prior to taking action, or the specific kind of action required for the item.

    1. APPROVAL OF PAYMENT TO COLD SPRING BAKERY Payment to Cold Spring Bakery Check #108581 in the amount of $44.52. Recommendation: Approve the Cold Spring Bakery Payment as presented.

    2. NEW YORK CITY STUDENT TRIP MARCH 2023 Recommendation: Approve the trip as presented.

    3. NONRENEWAL RESOLUTION The resolution included is for the nonrenewal of probationary teachers for the 2022-2023 school year. Recommend adoption of the resolution to terminate by non-renewal of these contracts.

    4. CURRICULUM PROPOSALS FOR 2022-2023 The curriculum proposal has been presented to the Teaching and Learning Committee held on April 25, 2022. Recommendation: Approve the curriculum proposals as presented.

  1. DISCUSSION ITEMS Discussion items receive individual attention because of the nature of the issues and the need for introductory or other discussion in order to review the information prior to taking action. This is also the agenda location for items which simply need school board review, but no formal action on the item is required. Discussion items will typically return to the agenda at a future point for more specific action.


    2. WINTER ACTIVITIES REPORT Director of Activities Baumgarten will be presenting an update on Winter Activities. No formal action is expected

    3. POLICIES The following policies have been discussed in the policy committee. It is being presented for second reading and call for public comment. 7-2 Wellness Policy 7-7 School Meal Policy


    1. SUPERINTENDENT REPORT The Acting Superintendent will make his report about ROCORI Public Schools.


      2. BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT MARCH 2022 The business office provides an update of district expenditures and revenues through the Budget Comparison report. The report is intended to provide a financial picture of the district in a couple ways. One is to compare current year expenditures to the previous year. The second is to simply give a report on the current financial status. In addition to the report, special items of note are highlighted in the explanations offered. This report does not require formal action but is provided as an informational item.

  1. BOARD COMMITTEE AND REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS Board members will report on activities within their portfolio of committee and representative assignments.

  1. COMMENTS AND REQUESTS FROM VISITORS The agenda is open to visitors of the meeting to offer comments to and/or requests of the school board. The comments and requests should follow the adopted district guidelines which are printed and available at the meeting. As a general rule, items introduced in the opportunity for comments and requests do not receive action from the School Board, but are taken under advisement or consideration for future action.

  2. UPCOMING EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES A calendar of upcoming issues of concern to the school board is included as part of the agenda.


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